Stormlight Archive Wiki
Biographical information
Ethnicity Alethi
Nationality Alethi
Gender Male
Status Dead
Occupation Crown Prince
Appears in Oathbringer

Yezriar was a Brightlord and heir to a princedom of Alethkar thirty-four years ago. He was felled by Jenin, who shot his horse out from under him. Immediately thereafter, he fought Dalinar one-on-one, fell to his knees in a clatter of steel, then rose and attempted to flee. Dalinar dropped him with a poleaxe, the spike of which had been hooked into his side. As Yezriar rolled over, Dalinar drove the spike through the breastplate of his armor and into his chest.[1]

Groaning, Yezriar asked why he and his men had been targeted, to which Dalinar replied that he didn't know; that his brother chose. Dym, to whom Dalinar had tossed the poleaxe, then rammed a sword into the armored man's armpit, thereby finishing the job Dalinar had started.[1]

Later, an archer, who had put two arrows in Dalinar, named as his price for joining Dalinar's army the life of Yezriar. The archer did not know then that Dalinar had already killed his Brightlord.[1]


He wore plate armor meant to resemble Shardplate, though it was only common steel. It lacked the beauty, the power, of true Plate. He still looked like the most important person around.[1]

He looked grand on a white mare, watching the battle in which they were engaged from within his helm's visor, cape streaming around him.[1]

