Stormlight Archive Wiki
Stormlight Archive Wiki
Biographical information
Ethnicity Unknown
Nationality Alethi
Gender Male
Status Alive
Abilities Surgebinding (Windrunner Squire)
Occupation Bridgeman
Appears in The Way of Kings, Oathbringer

Torfin is an Alethi bridgeman in Bridge Four, originally under the control of Sadeas.[1]


Torfin yelled at Moash when the man froze, staring at Kaladin after his recovery from exposure to a highstorm, while the crew carried their bridge across the warcamp's lumberyard and back in daily practice.[2]

When Rock asks the bridgemen who came to him stating that they no longer felt they fit in with Bridge Four, Torfin replies that he is scared of heights and that flying is terrifying to him.[3]

