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If anything I have said makes a glimmer of sense to you, I trust that you’ll call them off. Or maybe you could astound me and ask them to do something productive for once.

Point of view: Kaladin
Setting: Sadeas's Warcamp & Within the chasm; Shattered Plains

Kaladin has managed to get Rock and Teft to join him training, the bridge run they went on earlier had no casualties as they arrived before the Parshendi, yet Sadeas gets defeated anyway, Kaladin is now on his way to the apothecary's shop. When he arrives at the shop he presents the knobweed sap to sell, and after realising that the apothecaries are all price fixing for their antiseptic, he realises that he can make some large (for a bridgeman) sums of money and agrees to a price to get paid for it. Kaladin, however, is slightly unsure how he feels about this, as he belives medicine should be free, but is convinced as it is Sadeas and the highprinces that buy it and they can afford it.

When Kaladin gets back to camp, it appears that Gaz has assigned Bridge Four to the worst possible duty. Chasm duty. A job that involves climbing into the chasms to scavenge off the dead washed up by the highstorm. Upon returning to the surface, the bridgemen are strip searched to ensure they don't steal anything they may have found. However, the danger from highstorms and chasmfiends is the main reason it is hated and feared. While Kaladin chats with Rock and Teft, Dunny joins them and appears swayed by Kaladin's leadership.

When Kaladin finds a spear and picks it up he realises how many of the bridge crew he does not have following him and who resent and blame him. These seem led by Moash, and whilst the mocking is going on he blanks it all out and just remembers what being 'Kaladin Stormblessed' was like. His display with the spear that he performed has many of the men looking at him with awe, assisted by the fact they could see Syl during the demonstration. Kaladin's efforts to pass it off a simple kata (spear excersise), but Teft, who shows signs of having a military background, says it was something special. Getting back to their duties, they discover that the Parshendi grow their own armour and its attached to their skin.

Walking back after chasm duty, it seems that Kaladin has won a couple more, and when climbing out Rock mentions that given a few more weeks the men will be his. Kaladin points out that due to the high death rate a few weeks will be too late. However, he has a plan that involves Rock. Later that evening after spending some of his money, Kaladin and Rock arrive back in the camp with a big cooking pot. Kaladin reveals his plan to convert them through their stomach by cooking good meals. Everyone from Bridge Four joins in with the meal (Gaz walks past and refuses), and the following morning almost all get out of the barracks when he asks and most join in with the training. Now that he has the majority he thinks the others will fall in soon. Now he just needs to make it count.


Character Type Description
Kaladin POV Sells antiseptic. Goes on chasm duty, performs a kata. Makes a fire and stew for Bridge Four.
Teft Appeared Goes on chasm duty, talks with Kaladin. Assists with making a stew.
Rock Appeared Goes on chasm duty, talks with Kaladin. Assists with making a stew.
Gaz Appeared Assigns Bridge Four Chasm duty.
Leyten Mentioned Kaladin recalls the antiseptic working on him.
Dabbid Mentioned Kaladin had spent so much time collecting antiseptic for him and the other wounded.
Hobber Mentioned Kaladin had spent so much time collecting antiseptic for him and the other wounded.
Lirin Mentioned Kaladin remarks to Syl that he still has some strange scruples due to his father not charging for medical care.
Tien Mentioned Kaladin thinks he will fail the bridgemen like he did his brother.
Sadeas Mentioned Kaladin can sell the sap to the apothecary, or to the medical tent which will line Sadeas's pockets.
Dunny Appeared Goes on chasm duty, talks with Kaladin. Assists with making a stew.
Skar Appeared Goes on chasm duty, jeers at Kaladin. Eats stew with bridge four.
Moash Appeared Goes on chasm duty, jeers at Kaladin. Eats stew with bridge four.
Sigzil Appeared Goes on chasm duty, jeers at Kaladin. Eats stew with bridge four.
Peet Appeared Goes on chasm duty, jeers at Kaladin. Eats stew with bridge four.
Yake Appeared Goes on chasm duty, jeers at Kaladin. Eats stew with bridge four.
Maps Appeared Goes on chasm duty, jeers at Kaladin. Eats stew with bridge four.
Syl Appeared Follows Kaladin. Talks with him.
Tukks Mentioned Kaladin recalls his training with Tukks back in Amaram's army.
Amaram Mentioned Kaladin recalls his training back in Amaram's army.
Narm Appeared Goes on Chasm Duty, jeers at Kaladin. Eats stew with bridge four.
Drehy Appeared Goes on chasm duty. Tells people to stop jeering at Kaladin. Eats stew with bridge four.
Earless Jaks Appeared Goes on chasm duty, jeers at Kaladin. Eats stew with bridge four.
Hesina Mentioned As Kaladin performs with the spear, he can hear his mother's gentle teasing.
Torfin Appeared Goes on chasm duty, talks with Kaladin. Eats stew with bridge four.