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Point of view: Kaladin
Setting: Hearthstone, seven-and-one-half years ago

Kaladin is talking to Laral about his father's plans for him to be a surgeon. Laral encourages him to become a soldier and win Shardplate and a Shardblade for himself. Tien interrupts their conversation and gives Kaladin a rock, intended to make him feel better. Tien and Kaladin then go hunting for lurgs; a type of small, slimy, spider-like creatures.

Kaladin and Laral go to talk to some of the other boys, questioning why they aren't working in the fields like usual. Jost, another boy, claims that his father was cheated out of a Shardblade, but Kaladin insists that the area where his father fought wouldn't have had any Shardbearers, and Jost's father must be remembering wrong. Jost gets angry and challenges Kaladin to fight him.

Kaladin gets in a few good hits, and is surprised by how good the quarterstaff feels in his hands, but is outmatched by Jost. Tien helps him up, and they return home. There, Kaladin is informed that Brightlord Wistiow, the Citylord and Laral's father, is dead, and that he's left Kaladin a large number of spheres for him to go to Kharbranth, be trained as a surgeon, then return to Hearthstone to serve the people there with his new knowledge.


Character Type Description
Kaladin POV Plays with Laral and Tien. Gets into a fight with Jost. Wants to learn how to fight.
Laral Appeared Was playing with Kaladin.
Tien Appeared Searches the rocks for a lurg with which to play.
Lirin Mentioned About his plans for Kaladin to go to Kharbranth. Was treating Wistiow's illness.
Highprince Sadeas Mentioned An example of a hero of the war.
General Amaram Mentioned An example of a hero of the war.
King Gavilar Mentioned An example of a hero of the war.
Ral Mentioned Had become the new town carpenter like his father.
Hesina Mentioned Argued with Lirin that Kaladin should be able to spend more time being a child.
Dalinar Mentioned An example of a hero of the war.
Citylord Wistiow Mentioned Had given permission for army recruiters to take a few of the older town boys. Is carried by the winds.
Jost Appeared Fights Kaladin using quarter staffs.
Jest Appeared One of the boys playing while they weren't in the fields.
Mord Mentioned One of the boys playing while they weren't in the fields.
Tift Mentioned One of the boys playing while they weren't in the fields.
Naget Appeared One of the boys playing while they weren't in the fields.
Khav Appeared One of the boys playing while they weren't in the fields.
Old Tarn Mentioned Found a patch of polyps that weren't growing correctly.