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The king's feast in Kholinar is always outdoors, at the foot of the king's palace hill. If the stormwardens warn of a highstorm - or if more mundane weather turns bad - then the feast is canceled.[1]

Within the Vorin kingdoms of Alethkar, to sit at the king's table at a feast remains a masculine dining reservation.[1]


There are five islands, and the railings of the bridges connecting them are done in scrollwork so fine that after each feast, the railings have to be stowed away lest a highstorm ruin them.[1]

Sometimes, flowers float in the slow current between the islands. Periodically, a miniature boat - only a handspan wide - sails past, bearing a Stormlight-infused gemstone.[1]

The final island is the king's island. Pole-mounted gem lamps ring it, glowing with blue Stormlight, and a firepit dominates the center of the platform. Deep red coals simmer in its bowels, radiating warmth.[1]

The king's table is just behind the firepit.[1]

Tables along the sides of the platform are occupied by male or female diners - never both at the same.[1]

Women dine elsewhere, eating in areas separate from those of men.[2]


Younger lighteyes congregate on the first platform.[1]

The middle platform is for the lesser lighteyes. To its left and right are the segregated dining islands - men's island on the right, women's island on the left.[1]

On the three central islands, the genders mingle.[1]


Soulcast food is inherently bland, but the king's lavish feasts always serve imported spices and exotic meats.[1]

Most drink violet wine, the most intoxicating and flavorful of the colors.[1]

Women's vs. Men's[]

In the Vorin kingdoms of Alethkar and Jah Keved, the food consumed by women is different from that consumed by men. While Dalinar finds the food of women to be distastefully sweet,[1] Shallan later finds the food of men to be distastefully spicy.[3]

