Stormlight Archive Wiki
Biographical information
Ethnicity Alethi
Nationality Alethi
Gender Male
Status Dead
Abilities Shardbearer
Social Information
Title(s) Brightlord
Family Tanalan's Heir (son)
Occupation Highprince, Soldier
Appears in Oathbringer

Tanalan was a Shardbearer with only a Shardblade whom Dalinar claimed was his own to challenge to his brother Gavilar. In response, Gavilar said he'd had half a mind to give Tanalan's Blade to Sadeas.[1]

Tanalan had raised an army and settled into his fortifications. Gavilar thought that the other highprinces were encouraging Tanalan because they wanted to see how their king handled the situation.[2]

Dalinar had bested him after falling down into the Rift itself. It was a furious fight across wooden bridges and then in a garden suspended from the side of the chasm.[3]

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  1. Oathbringer, 11. The Rift
  2. Oathbringer, 49. Born Unto Light
  3. Oathbringer, 71. A Sign Of Humanity