Stormlight Archive Wiki
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Soulcaster is a colloquial name for both persons who possess Soulcasting ability and a type of fabrial that allows anyone to Soulcast.[1] Each has the ability of changing one substance into another.

Nine out of ten Soulcasters were capable of a few limited transformations: creating water or grain from stone, forming bland, single-roomed rock buildings out of air or cloth.[2]

Soulcasters are indeed limited in what they can do, which is why the barracks in the Alethi warcamps are essentially identical.[3]


Typically, Soulcasters are ardents. They don't normally come out during the day, though Adolin observes - in an irregular visitation - that they chant in unison, wear bloodred robes, and display sparkling fabrials across the backs of their palms.[1]

Adolin sees that the gaze of one Soulcaster ardent isn't completely human. Prolonged use of a Soulcaster fabrial transformed her eyes so that they sparkle like gemstones. Further, the woman's skin has hardened to something like stone, smooth, with fine cracks. To him, it's as if she was a living statue.[1]

Known Soulcasters

  • Jasnah can Soulcast without the aid of a fabrial, an ability known as Surgebinding in the ancient world. She keeps this a secret by pretending to use a fake fabrial for Soulcasting. This fake fabrial is what Shallan initially steals in The Way of Kings. When Shallan later needs to be healed by Jasnah, Shallan returns the stolen Soulcaster to her, along with the garnet she'd been given by Kabsal. But Jasnah admits that she isn't good with Soulcasting "organics"; that it's not where her talent lies.[4] However, she saves Shallan by Soulcasting her blood. Blood is one of the ten essences.[5]
  • Shallan, though she is inexperienced in the art.[6]
  • Various members of the ardentia.[1]
  • Kaza, a Liaforan, succumbs to becoming smoke itself rather than dying by poison.[7]


Individually, Soulcasting fabrials can be attuned to a particular essence, but they can theoretically work with all of the essences.

