Stormlight Archive Wiki
Stormlight Archive Wiki
Biographical information
Race Spren
Ethnicity Honor
Nationality Shadesmar
Gender Male
Status Alive
Abilities Nahel bonding, affording Surgebinding
Occupation Honorspren
Appears in Oathbringer, Rhythm of War

Rua is an honorspren who has bonded with Lopen, who calls him Naco.[1]


Rua appears as a ribbon of light, a youth of nine or ten years, and as a young man.[1]


Rua likes to play hide-and-seek with Lopen at the warcamps. He is mischievous like a windspren, yet doesn't seem to be capable of speech.[1]


Rua is still at the beginning of his consciousness.[1]


Rua supposedly bonded Lopen during the Battle of Thaylen Field. While Lopen then spoke the altered First Ideal of the Knights Radiant, he didn't become one.[1]

After the battle, while talking to a wounded soldier, Lopen then spoke the Second Ideal and became a full Radiant.[1]

When Lopen teaches Rua how to make a rude gesture, Rua begins to use it indiscriminately, once even growing an extra pair of arms to make a quadruple rude gesture toward even the Stormfather.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Oathbringer, 121. Ideals