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<< Ob Chapter Seven: A Watcher at the Rim / Ob Chapter Nine: The Threads of a Screw >>
Ob Ch 8

That moment notwithstanding, I can honestly say this book has been brewing in me since my youth.

–From Oathbringer, preface

Point of view: Shallan
Setting: Urithiru

We start off Shallan's first chapter in the book with drawing. She's having trouble depicting the city - for some reason, her drawings are coming out surrealistic. She's also actively trying not to think about the revelation of the truth she spoke in the last book regarding her parents' deaths. A scout arrives and brings her to a meeting with Dalinar, Navani, Adolin, and Renarin. After establishing that Shallan knows next to nothing about world politics, Dalinar goes on to list off the locations of the ten Oathgates and decides that their next step should be trying to secure alliances with the cities which contain them. However, their meeting is interrupted by the news that there's been another murder.

Our heroes hurry to the site of the murder, where Bridge Four is waiting. Adolin is shaken by the fact that this man has been murdered in exactly the same way as he'd killed Sadeas, and then is shaken further when Dalinar orders him to investigate the murders.

Alice Arneson and Lyndsey Luther

See the complete chapter summary here.
