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<< Ob Chapter Three: Momentum / Ob Chapter Five: Hearthstone >>
Ob Ch 4

I know that many women who read this will see it only as further proof that I am the godless heretic everyone claims.

–From Oathbringer, preface

Point of view: Dalinar
Setting: Urithiru

Progression of the Chapter:

Dalinar and Navani watch the Everstorm as it sweeps by below, and Dalinar puts forward his plan to have the Stormfather himself preside over their marriage. They leave for the ceremony, accompanied by friends, family, and witnesses. The Stormfather marries them, and Dalinar and Kadash have a sobering discussion regarding what the ardents see as Dalinar's blasphemy.

–Lyndsey Luther and Alice Arneson

See the complete chapter summary here.
