Navani recalls that the Myth of Parasaphi and Nadris mentioned the Desolations to Dalinar in effort to afford some insight into those Desolations with regard to his vision with Nohadon, relevant to the Voidbringers, humankind on Roshar, Damnation, the Heralds, the Tranquiline Halls, and the Knights Radiant.[1]
Renarin, present in this conversation, recalls that Parasaphi was the one who searched out the seedstones.[1] Navani confirms that in order to repopulate her fallen people, Parasaphi climbed the peaks of Dara to find stones touched by the Heralds themselves and that she brought them to Nadris on his deathbed and harvested his seed to bring life to the stones. They hatched forth the children, which she used to found a new nation, Marnah. This was the origin of the Makabaki.[2]