Stormlight Archive Wiki
Stormlight Archive Wiki
Type Country
Location Roshar
Inhabitants Liaforans

Liafor is a small country on Roshar. It is bordered to the south by Steen; to the east by Tashikk; to the north by Yezier; to the northwest by Alm; and, to the southwest by the Aimian Sea.


Fashion liafor

Folio: Contemporary Male Fashion
Drawing by Dan dos Santos

A page from a folio of fashion pages out of Liafor. The model, it should be noted, is Alethi, as this folio was intended for sale in the Alethi and Veden markets.[1]

According to Havar, everyone knows that fashion comes from those countries in the west, such as Liafor and Yezier.[2]

According to Yokska, when she was in Liafor last Midpeace, people there were moving away from military styles.[3]

Further, she tells Adolin that the folio he has, such as the one above, was made to sell uniforms at the Shattered Plains.[3]


  1. Words of Radiance, 22. Lights In The Storm
  2. Oathbringer, 49. Born Unto Light
  3. 3.0 3.1 Oathbringer, 69. Free Meal, No Strings