Identity is a Spiritual aspect in the cosmere,[1] though to some, one's physical appearance is part of their Identity. The reason one looks like one does in the Cognitive Realm, according to Brandon, is because it's Identity.[2]
One would need to both blank one's Identity and tap Connection to get the accent of an area in which one is at a given moment.[3]
It can be stored in the metal aluminum (as a Feruchemical ability), or which can be used to wipe out internal Allomantic reserves (as an Allomantic ability), or which can be used to steal Enhancement Allomancy via spiritweb (as a Hemalurgic ability).
When an object is recovered - or worse, destroyed - in the Physical Realm, it's Identity changes and the spirit returns to the location of, its body. Abandoned objects that had been owned for a long while , so they had a strong Identity, but that currently had nobody in the Physical Realm to care for them, were best.[4]
Identity and Connection are both the access key and nature of the unlocking of Investiture. This is why it can be difficult to use differing types of Investiture on different worlds.
Also according to Brandon, Identity is an innate attribute in the cosmere that is related to one's soul, one's spirit, and is one of the things that both Hemalurgy and Feruchemy can fiddle with. It's kind of important to how the Metallic Arts play out, but it's important to all the magics.
Identity is involved in why one can't use another person's metalminds, for example. And those are all related.[5]
Some readers have theorized that Hoid has a pre-Shattering pseudo-Feruchemical ability that lets him store only spiritual aspects (i.e., Investiture, Connection, Identity, and Fortune). He's been observed using Investiture, Connection and Fortune, so there's some merit there, but readers won't know for sure for a while.
Q&A with Brandon[]
Q. If you have a form of manipulating your Identity and a form of healing, are you able to shapeshift or even evolve your body like growing wings?
A. You'd have to do some real work on your spiritweb to make that work. It'd take more work than you're implying, but the singers, for instance, are doing this. It'll take a little more work; it's not just blanking your Identity. Hemalurgy would make it very easy, but also very evil. But what you want to achieve is possible.[6]