Stormlight Archive Wiki
Stormlight Archive Wiki
Feverstone Keep
Type Keep
Location Near Rall Elorim, Iri

Feverstone Keep was an ancient keep, named for the red stones that made up the walls. Dalinar visited it in one of his visions.[1]

Apparently, this keep was a fallback position behind the front lines of a war.[1]

He later asks of Hatham and Au-nak whether they'd heard of Feverstone Keep. Though neither replied in the positive, Hatham asked why. Dalinar simply replied that he was curious.[2]


The buildings of Feverstone Keep were blocky and utilitarian, built up against one another along the rock walls of the natural rift. Most had square raincatchers on top. With good food stores - or, if lucky, a Soulcaster - such a fortification could withstand a siege for years.[1]


The enemy makes another push toward Feverstone Keep. I wish we knew what it was that had them so interested in that area. Could they be intent on capturing Rall Elorim?

–From drawer 19-2, third topaz[3]


The entire scene of the Radiants abandoning their duties and Shardblades, then walking away, is thought to be a metaphor for the (mostly) united revolt of the Radiants, rather than an actual event, but may still have actually happened.

