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Dieno enne Calah
Biographical information
Ethnicity Herdazian
Nationality Herdazian
Gender Male
Status Alive
Social Information
Aliases The Mink
Title(s) General
Occupation Soldier
Appears in Rhythm of War

Dieno enne Calah is the general to a group of Herdazian soldiers. He is perhaps in his fifties.[1]


He is the shortest of his men, is missing a tooth, and bears a thin, silvered mustache on his upper lip. His sun-leathered skin is darker than that of most Herdazians, and so much so that he could almost pass for Azish. His eyes are a deep dark brown.[1]

Further, there is a power to his lean build, though the scars around his wrists are those that manacles make on the skin of slaves.[1]


He is supposed to be a great general, the leader of the Herdazian resistance. However, he keeps himself hidden.[1]


His name means "The Mink" in Old Herdazian.[1]

Hesina tells Lirin that "enne" is an honorific that implies greatness.[1]

Laral Wistiow had expected the Mink to be a brutal warrior forged on the same anvil as men like Dalinar or Amaram.[1]


He likes execution by greatshell, when a person is chained near a shore and covered with grease, as he did to Sheler. He himself was so chained and got out. Sheler does not know his name, as he is just called the Herdazian general.[2]

He travels to Azir with Dalinar's forces and helps with battle planning.[3]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Rhythm of War, 1. Calluses
  2. Oathbringer, Inter10.
  3. Rhythm of War, 47. A Cage Forged Of Spirits