Dawncities is a term used to describe those cities, the origins of which could be traced back to the time of the Dawnsingers.[1]
“ | Talk of the Dawncities had become popular lately among lighteyes - the idea that certain cities could trace their origins back to the Dawnsingers.[1] | ” |
The wife of Highprince Hatham made the Dawncities her study.[1]
Sesemalex Dar, one of the most ancient cities on Roshar, is believed to be one of the Dawncities, due to a particular composition of the stone therein.[2]
According to Brandon, creation of the Dawncities (and Urithiru) is beyond the scope of what a Radiant, or even a group of them working together, could create via Soulcasting. However, it's not beyond the scope of what Surgebinding itself could do.[3]