In the calendar on Roshar, there are ten months in a year, ten weeks to a month, five days to a week.[1][2] Both the months and the weeks are named after the numbers in the Ars Arcanum. See additional connections under the ten essences.
Weather and seasons are unpredictable, typically lasting a few weeks each.[3] The Weeping, however, is consistent; it marks the end of an old year, and the coming of a new one, with four weeks of constant rain. There are no highstorms during the Weeping.[3] Gemstones cannot be infused during the Weeping,[3] which can be problematic to the people of Roshar, and especially the Knights Radiant.
The Weeping is so consistent, that it is used to determine people's ages as well.[3] However, after the Parshendi release the Everstorm, the Weeping alternately stops and restarts repetitively. It acts strange, like regular weather, rather than the long, mild highstorm it is supposed to be.[4]
Even so, following the Weeping, people often find as many dead plants around the town as they do after a strong highstorm.[5]
Lightday is the single clear day in the middle of the Weeping. Every other year a highstorm arrives on Lightday, but it is otherwise free of storms. The years without the highstorm are known as Light Years.[6]
Midpeace is a period opposite the Weeping, also when there are no highstorms. The Middlefest fair in Jah Keved is held during Midpeace.[7]
Table of Listed Months[]
Both the months and the weeks are named after the numbers in the Ars Arcanum. The names of the months are variations of the week and month names. It is unknown if the variations are language based or if there is some other reason.
Month Names by Endings[]
Number | Month | ah (Palah ?) | shah (Palah ?) | ach ( Chach?) |
ash (Shash?) |
an |
anes | es (Jes?) |
ev (vev?) | |
1 | Jes | Jesnan | Jesachev | |||||||
2 | Nan | Nanes | ||||||||
3 | Chach | Chachanan | ||||||||
4 | Vev | Vevahach | Vevishes | Vevanev | ||||||
5 | Palah | Palahevan | Palaheses | Palahishev | ||||||
6 | Shash | Shash | Shashanan | Shashabev | ||||||
7 | Betab | Betab | Betabanan | Betabanes | ||||||
8 | Kak | Kakevah | Kakashah | Kaktach | Kakash | Kakakes | Kakanev | |||
9 | Tanat | Tanatesach | Tanatanes | Tanates | Tanatanev | |||||
10 | Ishi | Ishashan |
Complete Calendar[]
This table contains the assumed names of every day of the year, every month of the year, and every day of the week. These names are extrapolated from the patterns found in the novels of The Stormlight Archive.
Day | |||||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | |||||
Month | Week | Jesel | Nanel | Chachel | Vevel | Palahel | |||
1 | Jes | 1 | Jeses | Jeseses | Jesesan | Jesesach | Jesesev | Jesesah | |
2 | Jesan | Jesanes | Jesanan | Jesanach | Jesanev | Jesanah | |||
3 | Jesach | Jesaches | Jesachan | Jesachach | Jesachev | Jesachah | |||
4 | Jesev | Jeseves | Jesevan | Jesevach | Jesevev | Jesevah | |||
5 | Jesah | Jesahes | Jesahan | Jesahach | Jesahev | Jesahah | |||
6 | Jesash | Jesashes | Jesashan | Jesashach | Jesashev | Jesashah | |||
7 | Jesab | Jesabes | Jesaban | Jesabach | Jesabev | Jesabah | |||
8 | Jesak | Jesakes | Jesakan | Jesakach | Jesakev | Jesakah | |||
9 | Jesat | Jesates | Jesatan | Jesatach | Jesatev | Jesatah | |||
10 | Jesish | Jesishes | Jesishan | Jesishach | Jesishev | Jesishah | |||
2 | Nan | 1 | Nanes | Naneses | Nanesan | Nanesach | Nanesev | Nanesah | |
2 | Nanan | Nananes | Nananan | Nananach | Nananev | Nananah | |||
3 | Nanach | Nanaches | Nanachan | Nanachach | Nanachev | Nanachah | |||
4 | Nanev | Naneves | Nanevan | Nanevach | Nanevev | Nanevah | |||
5 | Nanah | Nanahes | Nanahan | Nanahach | Nanahev | Nanahah | |||
6 | Nanash | Nanashes | Nanashan | Nanashach | Nanashev | Nanashah | |||
7 | Nanab | Nanabes | Nanaban | Nanabach | Nanabev | Nanabah | |||
8 | Nanak | Nanakes | Nanakan | Nanakach | Nanakev | Nanakah | |||
9 | Nanat | Nanates | Nanatan | Nanatach | Nanatev | Nanatah | |||
10 | Nanish | Nanishes | Nanishan | Nanishach | Nanishev | Nanishah | |||
3 | Chach | 1 | Chaches | Chacheses | Chachesan | Chachesach | Chachesev | Chachesah | |
2 | Chachan | Chachanes | Chachanan | Chachanach | Chachanev | Chachanah | |||
3 | Chachach | Chachaches | Chachachan | Chachachach | Chachachev | Chachachah | |||
4 | Chachev | Chacheves | Chachevan | Chachevach | Chachevev | Chachevah | |||
5 | Chachah | Chachahes | Chachahan | Chachahach | Chachahev | Chachahah | |||
6 | Chachash | Chachashes | Chachashan | Chachashach | Chachashev | Chachashah | |||
7 | Chachab | Chachabes | Chachaban | Chachabach | Chachabev | Chachabah | |||
8 | Chachak | Chachakes | Chachakan | Chachakach | Chachakev | Chachakah | |||
9 | Chachat | Chachates | Chachatan | Chachatach | Chachatev | Chachatah | |||
10 | Chachish | Chachishes | Chachishan | Chachishach | Chachishev | Chachishah | |||
4 | Vev | 1 | Veves | Veveses | Vevesan | Vevesach | Vevesev | Vevesah | |
2 | Vevan | Vevanes | Vevanan | Vevanach | Vevanev | Vevanah | |||
3 | Vevach | Vevaches | Vevachan | Vevachach | Vevachev | Vevachah | |||
4 | Vevev | Veveves | Vevevan | Vevevach | Vevevev | Vevevah | |||
5 | Vevah | Vevahes | Vevahan | Vevahach | Vevahev | Vevahah | |||
6 | Vevash | Vevashes | Vevashan | Vevashach | Vevashev | Vevashah | |||
7 | Vevab | Vevabes | Vevaban | Vevabach | Vevabev | Vevabah | |||
8 | Vevak | Vevakes | Vevakan | Vevakach | Vevakev | Vevakah | |||
9 | Vevat | Vevates | Vevatan | Vevatach | Vevatev | Vevatah | |||
10 | Vevish | Vevishes | Vevishan | Vevishach | Vevishev | Vevishah | |||
5 | Palah | 1 | Palahes | Palaheses | Palahesan | Palahesach | Palahesev | Palahesah | |
2 | Palahan | Palahanes | Palahanan | Palahanach | Palahanev | Palahanah | |||
3 | Palahach | Palahaches | Palahachan | Palahachach | Palahachev | Palahachah | |||
4 | Palahev | Palaheves | Palahevan | Palahevach | Palahevev | Palahevah | |||
5 | Palahah | Palahahes | Palahahan | Palahahach | Palahahev | Palahahah | |||
6 | Palahash | Palahashes | Palahashan | Palahashach | Palahashev | Palahashah | |||
7 | Palahab | Palahabes | Palahaban | Palahabach | Palahabev | Palahabah | |||
8 | Palahak | Palahakes | Palahakan | Palahakach | Palahakev | Palahakah | |||
9 | Palahat | Palahates | Palahatan | Palahatach | Palahatev | Palahatah | |||
10 | Palahish | Palahishes | Palahishan | Palahishach | Palahishev | Palahishah | |||
6 | Shash | 1 | Shashes | Shasheses | Shashesan | Shashesach | Shashesev | Shashesah | |
2 | Shashan | Shashanes | Shashanan | Shashanach | Shashanev | Shashanah | |||
3 | Shashach | Shashaches | Shashachan | Shashachach | Shashachev | Shashachah | |||
4 | Shashev | Shasheves | Shashevan | Shashevach | Shashevev | Shashevah | |||
5 | Shashah | Shashahes | Shashahan | Shashahach | Shashahev | Shashahah | |||
6 | Shashash | Shashashes | Shashashan | Shashashach | Shashashev | Shashashah | |||
7 | Shashab | Shashabes | Shashaban | Shashabach | Shashabev | Shashabah | |||
8 | Shashak | Shashakes | Shashakan | Shashakach | Shashakev | Shashakah | |||
9 | Shashat | Shashates | Shashatan | Shashatach | Shashatev | Shashatah | |||
10 | Shashish | Shashishes | Shashishan | Shashishach | Shashishev | Shashishah | |||
7 | Betab | 1 | Betabes | Betabeses | Betabesan | Betabesach | Betabesev | Betabesah | |
2 | Betaban | Betabanes | Betabanan | Betabanach | Betabanev | Betabanah | |||
3 | Betabach | Betabaches | Betabachan | Betabachach | Betabachev | Betabachah | |||
4 | Betabev | Betabeves | Betabevan | Betabevach | Betabevev | Betabevah | |||
5 | Betabah | Betabahes | Betabahan | Betabahach | Betabahev | Betabahah | |||
6 | Betabash | Betabashes | Betabashan | Betabashach | Betabashev | Betabashah | |||
7 | Betabab | Betababes | Betababan | Betababach | Betababev | Betababah | |||
8 | Betabak | Betabakes | Betabakan | Betabakach | Betabakev | Betabakah | |||
9 | Betabat | Betabates | Betabatan | Betabatach | Betabatev | Betabatah | |||
10 | Betabish | Betabishes | Betabishan | Betabishach | Betabishev | Betabishah | |||
8 | Kak | 1 | Kakes | Kakeses | Kakesan | Kakesach | Kakesev | Kakesah | |
2 | Kakan | Kakanes | Kakanan | Kakanach | Kakanev | Kakanah | |||
3 | Kakach | Kakaches | Kakachan | Kakachach | Kakachev | Kakachah | |||
4 | Kakev | Kakeves | Kakevan | Kakevach | Kakevev | Kakevah | |||
5 | Kakah | Kakahes | Kakahan | Kakahach | Kakahev | Kakahah | |||
6 | Kakash | Kakashes | Kakashan | Kakashach | Kakashev | Kakashah | |||
7 | Kakab | Kakabes | Kakaban | Kakabach | Kakabev | Kakabah | |||
8 | Kakak | Kakakes | Kakakan | Kakakach | Kakakev | Kakakah | |||
9 | Kakat | Kakates | Kakatan | Kakatach | Kakatev | Kakatah | |||
10 | Kakish | Kakishes | Kakishan | Kakishach | Kakishev | Kakishah | |||
9 | Tanat | 1 | Tanates | Tanateses | Tanatesan | Tanatesach | Tanatesev | Tanatesah | |
2 | Tanatan | Tanatanes | Tanatanan | Tanatanach | Tanatanev | Tanatanah | |||
3 | Tanatach | Tanataches | Tanatachan | Tanatachach | Tanatachev | Tanatachah | |||
4 | Tanatev | Tanateves | Tanatevan | Tanatevach | Tanatevev | Tanatevah | |||
5 | Tanatah | Tanatahes | Tanatahan | Tanatahach | Tanatahev | Tanatahah | |||
6 | Tanatash | Tanatashes | Tanatashan | Tanatashach | Tanatashev | Tanatashah | |||
7 | Tanatab | Tanatabes | Tanataban | Tanatabach | Tanatabev | Tanatabah | |||
8 | Tanatak | Tanatakes | Tanatakan | Tanatakach | Tanatakev | Tanatakah | |||
9 | Tanatat | Tanatates | Tanatatan | Tanatatach | Tanatatev | Tanatatah | |||
10 | Tanatish | Tanatishes | Tanatishan | Tanatishach | Tanatishev | Tanatishah | |||
10 | Ishi | 1 | Ishies | Ishieses | Ishiesan | Ishiesach | Ishiesev | Ishiesah | |
2 | Ishian | Ishianes | Ishianan | Ishianach | Ishianev | Ishianah | |||
3 | Ishiach | Ishiaches | Ishiachan | Ishiachach | Ishiachev | Ishiachah | |||
4 | Ishiev | Ishieves | Ishievan | Ishievach | Ishievev | Ishievah | |||
5 | Ishiah | Ishiahes | Ishiahan | Ishiahach | Ishiahev | Ishiahah | |||
6 | Ishiash | Ishiashes | Ishiashan | Ishiashach | Ishiashev | Ishiashah | |||
7 | Ishiab | Ishiabes | Ishiaban | Ishiabach | Ishiabev | Ishiabah | |||
8 | Ishiak | Ishiakes | Ishiakan | Ishiakach | Ishiakev | Ishiakah | |||
9 | Ishiat | Ishiates | Ishiatan | Ishiatach | Ishiatev | Ishiatah | |||
10 | Ishiish | Ishiishes | Ishiishan | Ishiishach | Ishiishev | Ishiishah |
Each of the ten months, ten weeks and five days are referred to as numbers named in the Ars Arcanium. To refer to a specific day of the year, the base month is appended with the suffix for the week, then the suffix for the day is appended.
# | Name | Suffix |
1 | Jes | es |
2 | Nan | an |
3 | Chach | ach |
4 | Vev | ev |
5 | Palah | ah |
6 | Shash | ash |
7 | Betab | ab |
8 | Kak | ak |
9 | Tanat | at |
10 | Ishi | ish |
For example "Vevishes" (The Way of Kings: Chapter 6) -
Vev = 4th month
ish (Ishi) = 10th week of the month
es (Jes) = 1st day of the week
There are some inconsistencies with the pattern when compared to a couple of days as written within The Way of Kings. This may be due to some spelling variations inherent in the language.
A week referred to as "Jesnan" in The Way of Kings would be "Jesan" according to this pattern.
A day referred to as "Kaktach" in The Way of Kings would be "Kakatach" according to this pattern.
Otherwise the pattern seems to hold true.
The weeks and months of the year also follow this chart, but they're all named after numbers. A few notes about the Rosharan calendar: for the first few epigraphs in The Way of Kings, they're dated with the week and month. For example, the Prologue therein has an epigraph from week Palah of month Shash. Later, the week and month are combined; such as Ishashan, which would be week Ishi of month Nan. Weeks and months are not noted in the chart, since they're exactly the same as the numbers. There seem to be ten weeks for each of the ten months. Each week is five days,[1] which means that the year is at least five-hundred days long.
(User neverearth from the defunct posted this theory on the calendar.)
THE MONTH, WEEK, AND DAY ARE ALL BLENDED TOGETHER. In the above example (Ishashan) the month is Ishi(10) week Shash(6) and day Nan(2)
Week-Month Pairings[]
Weeks are across the top months working down. An asterisk * has been added to those placed in possibly two or more places.
Jes | Nan | Chach | Vev | Palah | Shash | Betab | Kak | Tanat | Ishi | |
Jes | Jeses | Nanes | Chaches | Veves | Palaheses | Shashes | Betabes | Kakakes | Tanates | Ishes |
Nan | Jesnan | Chachanan | Shashanan | Betabanan | Ishashan | |||||
Chach | Jesach | Vevahach | Kaktach | Tanatesach | ||||||
Vev | Jesachev | Vevanev | Palahishev * | Shashabev* | Kakanev | |||||
Palah | Jesah | Kakashah | ||||||||
Shash | Jesash | Kakash | ||||||||
Betab | Shashabev* | |||||||||
Kak | Jesak | |||||||||
Tanat | ||||||||||
Ishi | Jesish | Vevishes | Palahishev* | |||||||
@@@ | Betabanes (Jes?) | Kakevah | Tanatanes |
@@@ Those so marked do not fit any specific month that is obvious, nor do they conflict with another name.
Days of the Week[]
As there are five weekdays, they are likely named after variations of the first five numbers, Jes, Nan, Chach, Vev and Palah. The only weekdays named in the books (as of Words of Radiance) are Jesel and Chachel, the first and third days of the week.
There is a detailed Roshar date system here.
According to Brandon, the calendars for all worlds within the cosmere are different from one another.[8]
Additional/External Links[]
- On-site, there is a chronology for major events and character timelines.
- Off-site, there is a cosmere timeline here.
Q&A with Brandon[]
Q. If Roshar's years are 500 days along, and I say someone is twenty years old, how does that equate to Earth time?
A. It equates to actually about 10% difference. Because while the years are 500 days, the days are shorter, and there are fewer months. It all works out mathematically to about 10%. So if I say someone is twenty in the books, they are twenty-two in Earth years. So kind of keep that in mind.
It's a small enough difference, I feel, that people who don't notice it or know about it won't really be thrown for a loop. But I like to have things like that. And normally in fantasy novels I don't make big differences in things like time, units of measurement. Or other things, like Roshar has a lower gravity than Earth. I don't deal with that in a lot of the fantasy books; I like to have some of it on Roshar, because one of my pitches to myself in making Roshar was to come up with a fantasy book where the worldbuilding was a little more like a science fiction book's worldbuilding.[9]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 The Way of Kings, 14. Payday
- ↑ Book signing, Omaha, NE, 3/13/14
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 The Way of Kings, 44. The Weeping
- ↑ Edgedancer, 2.
- ↑ Oathbringer, 10. Distractions
- ↑ Words of Radiance, 76. The Hidden Blade
- ↑ Words of Radiance, 45. Middlefest
- ↑ Starsight Release Party, Orem, UT, 11/26/19
- ↑ Tor Instagram Livestream, 11/25/20