Stormlight Archive Wiki

SpectraTheHybrid000 SpectraTheHybrid000 18 May 2022

Knights Radiant Assemble!

What order of the knights radiant are you in? I am a lightweaver :) any other lightweavers out there?

(comment your order below!)

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MemoryAngel MemoryAngel 25 May 2021

Is The Cosmere Part Of A Multiverse?

In other Brandon Sanderson books, such as Skyward, it was implied that they are part of a greater multiverse (namely the Steelheart Trilogy and Skyward series sharing a multiverse). So could it be that the Cosmere is part of the same multiverse that was implied in the other two series?

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Nishu874 Nishu874 15 April 2020

traderush scam

scam traderush scam  is quite different from traditional liquid currency, primarily being the fact that it is a digital version of cash which is backed neither by a physical commodity nor by any central agency or government

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Andrewhenry2016 Andrewhenry2016 29 August 2016

Binary Options

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Fangmiaolan Fangmiaolan 29 August 2016

I have not yet

Our website :,is a small website with a few pages , currently, the ranking for the keywords we boost is not stablized, does anyone have any ideas how to get ranking to a more stable status?


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Fangmiaolan Fangmiaolan 30 June 2015

Now was it nigh sunrise

and he began to meet folk on the way, though not many; since for most their way lay afield, and not towards the Burg. The first was a Woodlander, tall and gaunt, striding beside his ass, whose panniers were laden with charcoal. The carle’s daughter, a little maiden of seven winters, riding on the ass’s back betwixt the panniers, and prattling to herself in the cold morning; for she was pleased with the clear light in the east, and the smooth wide turf of the meadows, as one who had not often been far from the shadow of the heavy trees of the wood, and their dark wall round about the clearing where they dwelt. Face-of-god gave the twain the sele of the day in merry fashion as he passed them by, and the sober dark-faced man nodded to him but…

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Synthetique11 Synthetique11 3 August 2014

Spren Type

Just what is your favorite type of spren? Granted, we've been introduced to many insensate and only a few sentient types, but I'm rather partial to Wyndle because he's both cautionary and providing. He both reminds Lift to feed herself (i.e.: her 'awesomeness') and warns her of Darkness approaching.

Yes, Syl provides Kaladin with much the same, but I'm leaning toward Wyndle in these early days of The Stormlight Archive.

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Synthetique11 Synthetique11 30 July 2014

Order of Knights Radiant Identification

I identify with the Elsecallers because, first and foremost, I identify with Jasnah Kholin and her beliefs as a Veristitalian. However, if I was a Surgebinder, I would definitely want the abilities of Transformation and Transportation!

With which Order of Knights Radiant do you most identify and why?

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Jrod526 Jrod526 6 May 2014


Hello everyone! I'm new on this Wiki and I already love it. I plan on being on this Wiki for a long time to make everything better. I hope I can contribute as much as I can to help anyone know more about the characters and life of Roshar. I am in love with this series and I cannot wait until the next one comes out. May the Stormlight guide us all

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PreservationsWings PreservationsWings 26 January 2013

Chat Has Been Enabled!


We are here with an announcement: Chat has been enabled. We will leave it enabled for two weeks, so that the community can test out the chat. In two weeks, if we have complaints, it will be removed. If not, the chat will stay. The chat can be found to the right of the wiki activity.

If you have any questions or concerns, just post a comment below.

Thank you for you time! Have a good day!

-Stormlight Archive Wiki Administration

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JustinCarmony JustinCarmony 13 September 2010

Welcome to the Wiki!

Hey everyone, welcome to the Wiki. I just wanted to say thanks to the handful of contributers we've had so far, and how well it is all going. I'm really excited to get this Wiki going, and adding some real good content.

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